Tanzplan Deutschland
Tanzplan Deutschland63

Tanzplan Deutschland is an initiative of the German Federal Cultural Foundation. From 2005 until 2010 the project will act as a catalyst for the German dance scene. Its goal is to provide dance in Germany with more recognition and establish it as a art form of equal value along with opera and theatre in the public perception and in the perception of those responsible for cultural policy.

A board appointed by the advisory board of the German Federal Cultural Foundation determines the project’s content. The body with overall responsibility for the project is the non-profit association Tanzplan Deutschland e.V.. The Team at the Tanzplan Deutschland office then puts the plan into action.

Equipped with a budget of 12.5 million Euros for a period of five years, Tanzplan Deutschland networks actors from the dance scene, providing them with a space to express themselves and ensuring that those representing cultural policy are listening.*)

An initial action was the issuing of an invitation to round-table discussions in selected German cities. Politicians and culture professionals from the institutional and independent dance scene met to exchange opinions and ideas. The focus was on the question of, “What does dance in your city need?” The very different responses are reflected in the project’s diverse range of activities.

The programme’s two focuses are:
Tanzplan local
Projects in nine cities emerged out of a competition among invited participants. Although they are different in their conceptional approach, all projects
• are based on an existing, active dance scene
• forge alliances with regional and community cultural administrators and local partners
• have obtained 50% co-funding from their city or state authority, or from foundations or sponsors, using the model of "match funding" and thereby doubling budgets
• provide points of contact between classical and modern dance, theory and practice, the ordinary public and professionals
• opens up dance to a new audience and communicates its activities
• continue to function sustainably after the end of the project.

Tanzplan Educational Programme
In addition to the new ‘Tanzplan Local’ (Tanzplan vor Ort) study programmes, Tanzplan Deutschland has undertaken a thorough re-think of dance education and
• brings all eleven state-run dance training institutions around the one table as Dance Education Conference
• has launched the Dance Education Biennale as a national platform for the next generation of dance professionals
• has professionalised the qualification of dance educators for Dance in Schools
• offers regular practical and theoretical advanced training workshops for teachers and professors
• has promoted the introduction and development of modern educational tools with the dance studies E-Learning programme, a book on dance techniques, and the multimedia project by William Forsythe and trialed new educational models in the areas of dance, choreography and dance education and training in interdisciplinary pilot projects.

A budget for general activities has also made further supplementary activities possible:
Tanzplan Initiatives As well as providing an impetus for publications, symposia and workshops, Tanzplan Deutschland has taken the initiative of consolidating the five major Tanzarchive and building up a Transition Centre Dance in Germany.

Tanzplan Deutschland Service
Tanzplan Deutschland provides an overview of adresses of dance education in German-speaking and European countries. A comprehensive online Database helps professional dance projects in their search for potential funding.

In addition to its own activities, Tanzplan Deutschland supports the co-production funding of the Nationalen Performance Netzes (NPN), the Tanzplattform Deutschland artists’ residencies, and the Internet portals dance-germany.org and tanznetz.de with one-off funding. In 2006 and 2009 the German Federal Cultural Foundation hosted the Dance Congress, which also came within the ambit of Tanzplan Deutschland.

*) Tanzplan Deutschland e.V. does not handle funding applications. Funding continues to be provided by the Allgemeine Projektförderung of the German Federal Cultural Foundation and through the Fonds Darstellende Künste and co-production funding of the Nationalen Performance Netzes (NPN) , which are also funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.66

As part of its mission, Tanzplan Deutschland e.V. has set up an additional programme to fund publications. Tanzplan Deutschland specifically funds pilot projects that are developed out of a continuous dialogue with Germany’s state-run training institutions and projects that exemplarily and sustainably achieve the goals set for training in the area of dance. Major individual projects – such as the first German Dance Education Biennale in 2008, organised in cooperation with Berlin’s HAU theatre, further support this process. Tanzplan Deutschland also has a budget for general activities that is to be used for individual initiatives such as the holding of symposia, congresses, workshops, publications etc until 2010.67

Tanzplan Deutschland